Wednesday, 9 November 2011

History of Christmas, part 3

The 25th of December was chosen because that was the day, on or near the winter solstice, that all ancient religions celebrated the births of their various sun gods. These festivals included the use of incense, candles and decorating buildings with evergreens, gift giving, feasting and drinking. The church wanted to Christianise these practises, either to cover-over the fact that pagan religions were still out-stripping Christianity in popularity, or as a genuine attempt to win people over to Jesus.

The name "Christmas", taken from the Latin for "Mass of Christ", wasn't used in Britain until around 1043AD. As Christmas began to rival Easter as the most important Christian festival an extended period of preparation was added to the church calendar called "Advent" (taken from the Latin for "arrival"). an evangelical pentecostal church in Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

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