Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Pastor's Corner Sept 2011

Thankfulness seems to be rapidly vanishing from our society; with selfishness and greed seemingly predominating. There is a preoccupation with our rights and entitlements, which has all but stamped out any feelings of gratitude and appreciation. This can be seen in the homes, work place and society at large. We need to guard against it in the church, in our relationships with each other but supremely in our relationship with the Lord.

As a gauge of our thankfulness, let’s ask ourselves the question, when was the last time we said ‘thank you’ to someone or to the Lord? And perhaps how many times have we said ‘thank you’ this past month? Saying thank you is so important and so encouraging. It says that you care about that person, appreciate what they have done and that you are not taking them for granted. It says a lot about the person saying thank you too! an evangelical pentecostal church in Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

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