Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Road to Emmaus (drama sketch)

Disciple 2: Which sounded like nonsense, but Peter and John went to check it out anyway and found the tomb was empty, as the women had said. But they didn’t see Jesus.
Cleopas: It’s all very confusing! We don’t know what to think!
Jesus: You are slow on the up-take! It’s not really confusing, if only you’d look at it through the eyes of faith. The Lord’s prophets since Moses’ time have been explaining what will happen.
Disciple 2: Have they?
Jesus: Think of the blood of the lamb saving you at Passover; think of Moses lifting up his staff; who had a virgin birth, born in Bethlehem, in the line of David? Zechariah even said he will ride in on a colt – remember Palm Sunday? Do you remember what Jesus himself said about the third day? How the temple will be rebuilt?

richmondparkchurch.org.uk an evangelical pentecostal church in Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset, UK.

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