Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Shepherds leave by door at back of stage. A group of people are to sing “Silent Night”. While this is going on kids need to sneak onto stage quietly and set up nativity scene behind screens. When they are sorted, need stage hands to move screens away. Shepherds re-enter church by side door and go back up the steps on to the stage when “Silent Night” finishes.

Shepherd 1: Look! Here he is, just as the angel said!

Shepherds fall on their knees again to worship at manger.

Shepherd 1: Thank you Lord for sending our Messiah, thank you Lord for sharing him with us, thank you Lord, thank you!

Shepherd 2: [jumping up] We can’t keep this to ourselves, we should tell everyone!

Shepherd 1 is nodding in enthusiastic agreement. Shepherd 1 goes down stairs on the left,
Shepherd 2 goes down stairs on the right, go down either aisle saying - in an excited manner- the following directly to individuals seated there:

Shepherd 1: Christ the Lord is born!

Shepherd 2: An angel came to us and said we would find baby Christ in a manger in Bethlehem and we did!

Shepherd 1: Good news for everyone! The Messiah is born! He is here with us now!

Shepherd 2: The Messiah is here!

Then Shepherds rush back up aisles and exit by the side door, saying on their way out:

Shepherd 1: Praise God!

Shepherd 2: Thank you Lord!

Shepherd 1: Thank you God! an evangelical pentecostal church in Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset, UK.

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